




- INWA会員であり、NNWA から推薦されること。

- INWAの公用語であり、理事会業務が行われる言語である英語に堪能であること。

- 年間12回の理事会のうち、少なくとも9回出席できること。



ハンス・ラング - 副会長



Dear INWA member,

Following the INWA rules, there will be an election of Board members this year again, in conjunction with the INWA Annual General Meeting on September 11th, 2024.

It is very important for the future of INWA that we continue to have a strong and dedicated Board. Each member of INWA has the opportunity to contribute to the work of INWA by nominating a person to stand for election for the seven-member Board and all members have the opportunity to elect the people they believe are the most suitable candidates.

We ask you to nominate a candidate for the upcoming Board elections. Please advise the INWA Office of your nomination by the end of July, so information about the candidates can be distributed to all members well before the elections take place.

There are three prerequisites for nomination as a Board member candidate. The nominated candidate must:

  • Be a member of the National Nordic Walking Association and be nominated by the NNWA
  • Have strong command of English as this is the official language of INWA and the language in which Board work is conducted
  • Be able to attend at least 9 out of the 12 annual Board meetings per year

Please consider nominating someone from your National Nordic Walking Association as a Board candidate and send the CV to INWA Office.

Best regards,

Hans Wrang – Vice President



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